I read on
KimPossible's blog that
Run Like A Girl and
Ramblings of a Running Addict are raising money to run a marathon in Barbados to raise money for the Arthritis Foundation. They are hosting a
Virtual Run on April 24th to help their efforts. Please take a look at their blogs (and Run Like A Girl's adorable little girl) for more information and help them out if you can.
As a physical therapy student, arthritis is one of the biggest causes that brings people to PT. However, many people forget that kids can get arthritis too. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis affects nearly 50,000 kids in the US. Help out and put in a donation and a 4 miler on April 24th in honor of Reese. You'll be glad you did!
Thank-you so much! this post kind of brought a little tear to my eye! Most people don't understand arthritis very well especially in kids so this was very comforting. Thank- you very much again for your support - we are really hoping this virtual race will be a success!
All night volleyball sounds fantastically fun!
Whoo Hoo! I love running for a good cause.
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